Adult Education Department
Mission of Establishing the Department

Department of adult education started in the year 1978.
Department Objectives
To the villages of the district which has low literacy rate a survey was conducted to 15-60 years age group people who belong to schedule caste, schedule tribe, minorities & all other backward classes. These illiterate people were educated through volunteers & were made literates. The objective of this department is specially towards the women literacy, where the women are in the rate of 85% & men are in 15% our department strives to teach these people to read, write & learn simple calculation which is necessary in their day to day life.
Till now this department has organized the centrally sponsored programs namely Sakshara sanmana, kalike galike, Kannada nadu Sakshara nadu munduvarike shikshana, samana shikshana, shakshara bharath & many other programs. We organized literary camps to these illiterates to improve their quality of life.
Literary skill stabilization program & Improvement of life quality camp where organized to bring these neo illiterates to the mainstream of society.
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Contact details of District Office:
Adult Education Officer
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#5/1, Vinoba Road </ br> Manasagangothri</ br> Mysuru-570006</ br> Phone No.: 0821-2415063</ br>