District Health and Family Welfare
Mission of Establishing the Department

Before Independence, the Mysore King’s introduced Family Planning Programme to Control Births at Cheluvamba Hospital, Mysore. Post Independence the Government introduced Public Health System. The Health Department is providing Health Care services at the doorstep through health workers.
Along with providing importance to public health the main objective of the department is implementation of various National level Programs to give health services to the public through various health institutions.
According to Government of India Guidelines, Government of Karnataka is providing health care services, mainly at three levels. at Subcentre Level, at PHC level and at CHC level to the public.
A Subcentre is the most peripheral and first contact point between the primary health care system and the community.
PHC is the first contact point between village community and the Medical Officer. The PHC’s are providing curative and preventive health care to the rural population and providing services of General Physician Treatment and anti immune precautions.
Community Health Centre has been established to serves as a referral center for PHC’s and it provides facilities for obstetric care and specialist consultations.
Department goal is to reduce Maternal mortality and infant mortality by providing NHM programme services, by implementing Family Planning Programs it is trying to reduce population growth by decreasing Fertility rate, through IEC programs the department is trying to decrease communicable and non Communicable disease. Health for All and Health Everywhere is the Main aim of the department.
Along with providing importance to public health the main objective of the department is implementation various National Programs to give health services to the public of Mysuru district through various health institutions.
The major Programs implementation by the department are as follows:
- Rural Health Programme
- Family Planning, Mother & Child Health
- National Leprosy Eradication Programme
- National Programme for eradication of tuberculosis
- National Vector Born Diseases Control Programme
- National Programme for Control of Maleria
- Health Education & Training Programme
- National Goiter Control Programme
- National Programme for prevention & control of deafness
- Laboratory Services
Contact details of District Office:
District Health Officer
Nazarbadh</ br>
NPC Hospital compound</ br>
Mysuru-570010</ br>
Phone No.: 0821-2529205</ br>
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