Social Welfare Department
Mission of Establishing the Department

Social Welfare Department is one of the important departments in the State Government. It was established in 1956. Various programs are being implemented through Zilla Panchayath/Taluk Panchayat for the development of Scheduled Caste from Social Welfare Department. Under SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocity) Act 1989 revised Rules 2015, amount of relief will be given to SC/ST victim of atrocity.
As per 2011 Census in Mysore District Scheduled caste population is 5,36,643, i.e., 17.88 percent of the total population.
For the development of Scheduled Castes, in 2017-18 in ZP programs Rs.2847.89 lakhs was released and Rs.2646.88 Lakhs expenditure occurred and in TP programs Rs.4110.12 Lakhs was released out of which Rs. 3880.21 Lakhs expenditure occurred. Taluk Panchayath programme Special Component Programme, Rs. 180.00 Lakhs released and Rs. 180.00 Lakhs expenditure. 100% Physical Target achieved.
Social Welfare Department, the main important is educational oriented programs, viz., Prematric and Post matric hostels for SC students, providing free boarding and lodging, Prematric scholarship and post matric scholarships, Prize Money, stipend to law graduate. Other programs-Intercaste marriages, simple marriages, SC widow marriage etc. community halls construction in villages, hobli and Taluk levels. Providing infrastructure in SC colonies, improvement grave yards etc.
Contact details of District Office:
Joint Director
Social Welfare Department
Dr. Babu Jagajivan Ram Bhavan
Narayana Swamy Block
Office No: 0821-2344661
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